Addams, Jane

Ahern, Tim

Ahrens, Claude

Ahrens, Paul

Almon, Joan

Armitage, Marc

Attwell, Ernest T

Beckwith, Jay

Bowers, Louis

Braucher, Howard S

Brown, Stuart
Brown, Virgil K

Burriss, Kathleen

Butler, George D

Byrd, Danny

Caesar, Betsy

Caillois, Roger

Christensen, Keith

Christiansen, Monty

Comenius, John Amos

Cosco, Nilda

Crawford, Robert W

Curtis, Henry S

Dattner, Richard

Davis, Roger
DeGroot, Edward

DeKoven, Bernie

Dewey, John

Dickie, George

Edwardson, Paul

Elkind, David

Enderis, Dorothy

English, Charles H

Erikson, Erik

Flannery, Arch R
Friedberg, M Paul

Froebel, Friedrich

Frost, Joe

Gill, Tim

Godbey, Geoffrey

Golinkoff, Roberta Michnick

Goodenough, Elizabeth

Gordon, Gwen

Gray, Peter

Grossman, Esther

Gulick, Luther

Hall, G Stanley

Hanmer, Lee F

Heath, Robert

Hendy, Teri

Hermann, Ernst

Heseltine, Peter

Hetherington, Clark W

Hewes, Dorothy W

Hill, Patty Smith

Hirsh-Pasek, Kathy

Hogan, Paul

Huber, Rolf

Huizinga, Johan

Iverson, MaryLou

Johnson, George E
Kalousek, Tom
Kellert, Stephen

King, Barb

King, Steve

Klamer, Reuben

Kutska, Ken

Lady Allen of Hurtwood

Lee, Joseph

Lehman, Todd

Locke, John

Louv, Richard

Mainella, Fran

Malaguzzi, Loris

Mallery, Otto T

Marcus, Clare Cooper

Mather, Stephen

Michaelis, Bill

Montessori, Maria

Moore, Robin C

Norquist, Tom

Olds, Anita Rui
Olmsted, Frederick Law

Parker, David

Peeples, Tom

Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich

Piaget, Jean

Plumb, Steven

Pratt, Caroline

Preston, John
Randall, Josephine

Reese, Lloyd
Rimmer, James

Rogers, James E

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

Sallis, James

Singer, Dorothy

Skenazy, Lenore

Smilansky, Sara

Sorensen, Carl Theodor

Spease, David

Spock, Michael
Stoddard, Curtis

Suk, Michael

Sutterby, John

Sutton-Smith, Brian

Thompson, Donna

Van Eyck, Aldo

Vaux, Calvert

Vialet, Jill

Vygotsky, Lev

Wallach, Fran

Weir, Lebert H

Williams, Arthur

As a behind-the-scenes leader of the Playground Association of America, Arthur Williams assisted to shape the field of recreation for fifty years in the early 20th century.
Wilson, Penny

Penny Wilson is a professional Playworker who works for the Play Association Tower Hamlets – PATH, a non-profit organization based in the East End of London that supports play in an overcrowded, poor, increasingly urban setting.
Wright, Brett

A professor at Clemson University, Dr. Brett Wright is also an active researcher concerning park management issues, community impacts, and the importance of nature-based play for children. Brett Wright is the Chairman of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management at Clemson University and the Co-Chairman of the US Play Coalition hosted by Clemson University.
Yancey, Toni