Picture Perfect Playgrounds, Inc.
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Motor skills refer to the development of motor control, precision, and accuracy in the performance of both fundamental and more complex movements.
Children have fantasized about triumphing over evil for years. Fighting the "bad guys" seems to be an inherent desire, especially for boys, who use gun play as a means to feel empowered. Whether children are playing cowboys and Indians, cops and robbers, pirates, soldiers, or spies, play guns are usually involved as they engage in pretend play.
As a research professor of psychology at Boston College for 30 years, Dr. Peter Gray brought the evolutionary viewpoint to general psychology, education, human development, and children’s play.
Speeding down a snowy hill on a Flexible Flyer snow sled has been a winter activity enjoyed by children since the 1880s. The Flexible Flyer continued to be sold for over 100 years with little change from its basic design, and the iconic sled is still highly sought after by young and old alike.
Glamis Adventure Playground is a free supervised playground that provides a wide range of child-centered and child-driven activities. A hand painted sign at the entrance declares the inclusive nature of Glamis Adventure Playground, "There is no war here. We are all fantastic."