GenMove is dedicated to providing programs, staff services, and equipment that assists every child to experience athletic achievements, contribute to a team, and choose a healthy lifestyle regardless of physical limitations, athletic abilities, or past experiences. They aim to positively influence today's children throughout their lives and then their children's lives, thus their motto: Moving Generations.1
GenMove Origins
The roots of GenMove began in 2005 with the formation of Socci Sport LLC by Grant Scheffer. He and his partner were introducing Socci, a multi-sport system, to schools and universities. By 2006, they were collaborating with experts to create curricula for kicking skills, students with disabilities, and student teachers. Grant also met and collaborated with Nick Kalisperis and Temoc Suarez in using Socci in their after school and early childhood soccer programs.2
In 2008, Socci Sports became one of the 28 companies of the Head Start Body Start Initiative for their early childhood sports education program. They continued to develop their programs with the help of Dr. Candice Januszewicz of the College of Charleston Early Childhood and Dr. Joanne Hunter, a curriculum specialist.
Realizing their vision was broader – more about movement education than just about Socci Sports – Grant, Nick, and Temoc created GenMove in 2010. At the 2011 American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) conference, they announced their new company and their line of Early Childhood, K-12, After School, Adapted PE, and Health & Nutrition programs and equipment.3
Various Programs Provided by GenMove
GenMove's Early Childhood Program includes teaching foundational movement skills, such as rolling, kicking, striking, catching, and throwing. Designed to include all learning styles and to give children greater hand-eye-foot coordination, dexterity, depth perception, and balance, the Early Childhood curriculum can be used in the classroom or on the playground by teachers who are not trained in movement education.4 The program also teaches health and nutrition concepts at a young age to combat childhood obesity.
Their K-12 Physical Education Program educates “the whole student by engaging both body and mind.”5 Separating lower and upper grade needs and utilizing research and standards-based activities, the K-12 Program teaches lifetime sport skills, sportsmanship, and the importance of teamwork. Designed to complement and extend existing physical education programs, GenMove's K-12 PE Program supports the Let’s Move Active Schools program that is focusing on preventing childhood obesity while maximizing academic achievement.
Continuing their emphasis on the development of both the body and mind, GenMove's After School program incorporates science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) concepts in the physical activities. Besides academic benefits, these activities assist children to develop physical, social, and cognitive skills.6
From the beginning, GenMove has believed that “all students, regardless of their physical abilities, deserve the chance to achieve.”7 Their Adapted PE Program features inclusive physical activities which develop physical and motor skills, improve social skills and confidence, and enhance movement through dexterity exercises. They also offer adapted equipment, such as adjustable grip balls and the GenMove MultiGoal, which expand movement experiences for children with disabilities.
Through GenMove's Health & Nutrition Program, concepts of health and nutrition are taught through movement and play activities. Designed to be used at any time in the school day, the activities teach healthy eating choices to reduce obesity and thus reduce the risk of children developing heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or asthma.
GenMove is a SPARK Recommended Resource
GenMove has been named a SPARK Recommended Resource. SPARK is an organization that offers award-winning, evidence-based programs concerning physical education for grades K-12, early childhood education for ages 3-5, after school programs for ages 5-14, and coordinated school health programs.8
- 1. “Why GenMove.” GenMove USA. < http://www.genmoveusa.com/About/Our-Philosophy.aspx > 21 Nov. 2011.
- 2. “Our History.” GenMove USA. < http://www.genmoveusa.com/About/Sub-Page-(1).aspx > 21 Nov. 2011.
- 3. Ibid.
- 4. “Early Childhood.” GenMove USA. < http://www.genmoveusa.com/Programming/Early-Childhood.aspx > 21 Nov. 2011.
- 5. “K-12 PE.” GenMove USA. < http://www.genmoveusa.com/Programming/K-12-PE.aspx > 21 Nov. 2011.
- 6. “After School.” GenMove USA. < http://www.genmoveusa.com/Programming/After-School.aspx > 21 Nov. 2011.
- 7. “Adaptive PE.” GenMove USA. < http://www.genmoveusa.com/Programming/Adapted-PE.aspx > 21 Nov. 2011.
- 8. “Announcements: GenMove & SPARK Team-Up To Move Generations to Better Health!” GenMove USA. < http://www.genmoveusa.com/Announcements.aspx > 21 Nov. 2011.