Susan Sachs Lipman (Suz) created the Slow Family blog and the Slow Parenting movement to help busy parents reconnect with their families and their passions through fun activities in nature and at home. She believes that “the Slow Movement is not necessarily about slowing (though it can be). It’s about finding the right pace for you and your family – a pace that is subject to change. It’s about finding meaning and joy in our activities and days and perhaps having a little more fun. It’s about being authentic, deciding what’s really important, restoring a sense of wonder, appreciating and helping one other, and taking time to enjoy and honor life’s simple pleasures in the relatively short time we’re all here together.”1
Covering a range of topics, the Slow Family blog began in March of 2009 and has continued every month since with suggestions for families on how to slow their pace. Inspired by Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv, among other works, and emphasizing unstructured play, Suz has written on such themes as community, nature, play, seasons, gardening, food, lost arts, and family crafts. She has also reported on slow news to support “healthy communities and loving families.”2
Slow Family inspired Suz’s book, Fed Up with Frenzy: Slow Parenting in a Fast-Moving World, which was published in 2012. Like the blog, the book encourages families to “Slow Down. Reconnect. It's Easier than You Think.”3
Suz also writes for several other blogs including the National Wildlife Federation’s Be Out There blog, the New York Times’ Motherlode blog, and the Christian Science Monitor’s Modern Parenthood blog. She is also the Social Media Director for the international Children & Nature Network.4